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Tearing a kitchen apart and replacing with a new one can be an interesting and exhilarating experience. Uh-huh! We did it and we're glad. Would we do it again? NO! It was doggone hard work. We'd like to show you some of the history and the results of that effort.

To see pictures of the old kitchen, see the Before page.

The first step in remodeling the kitchen was, of course, deciding to do it. This involves designing the new kitchen, finding the right cabinets (at the right price) and then committing the time and resources to do it. It took about 3 months (part time) to get an acceptable design and find the cabinets. Then C decided he would do it himself. J agreed since that would save an enormous amount of money.

The next step was the demolition of the old kitchen. We took everything out. The only original piece remaining is the bar sink. See the Demolition page for details.

The next step was to implement the new kitchen design. We replaced everything except the bar sink. See the Construction page for details.

To see the final results of our labors, see the After page.

To see a comparison of the "before" and "after" see the Comparison page.

The whole thing took about 3 months.