Web Page History
Web Page History News Letter Kitchen Links


This web page was originally created on July 13, 1999.

This web page was last modified July 31, 2000 .

The tools I used are as follows:

Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000, Version,  for page construction and publication (once I learned how to use it).
CuteFTP Version 3.0.1, from GlobalSCAPE Inc. for uploading the pages to the net initially.
A Sony® Mavica® FD7 digital camera for the photographs.
PhotoStudio® Version 2.0SE by ArcSoft, Inc. for composing and compressing the photographs. This software was provided with the purchase of the camera.
A home-made Pentium computer.


July 13, 1999 - Created the Initial pages for the site.

This is my first attempt at publishing a home page on the net. It took about 2 days to put it   together, originally. The pictures for the kitchen experience were previously constructed.

November 10, 1999 - Added a newsletter page.

July 31, 2000 - Changed some links on the links page.